
Modal material scarves

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Anyone looking for an add-on to her beauty, then cashmere scarf is the right choice to make, because it is the finest scarf that anyone can have. You might be looking on to others and appreciating their scarf, but why to do this when you can yourself buy it and look glamorous. Undoubtedly, carrying a cashmere scarf will separate you from the usual crowd thus making you centre of attraction and also an example of the perfect fashion statement.

Features of cashmere scarf which makes it costly

  • Cashmere scarf is made of hair of goats around the world, however the most highly priced scarf are brought from China and Mongolia because of the presence of the finest quality of goats there. However these goats are quite few in number hence demand of the product is all time high leading to rise in prices.
  • Cashmere production requires lots of efforts as most of them are hand woven, thus making it a tough job to produce and costly too. They are available in many varieties because they can be dyed easily.

Limited availability of goat hair and also the effort it takes makes it a costly product.

A status symbol

Usually a person in a crowd is not bothered about what you are wearing or carrying, but for some it is of utmost importance and this is one of the reasons why people carry cashmere shawls. It is a sign of wealth which helps you create an impression in the crowd, and such impression is that you are well to do and rich. One should not carry cashmere sacrf just because of its price, but because of the reason that it keeps us warm during fall season. Cashmere is one of the lightest things to carry with which you may never feeling any weight on yourself.

High maintenance

The cashmere have to be taken care off well such that they can last long with you, the price at which they are offered is high in comparison to others and so is its maintenance. If one opts for washing machine cleaning then the scarf may wear out soon however if you take care and send it for dry cleaning then surely it will last for longer. So they need much more care then other clothes in your wardrobe. Hand wash is another option of taking care of the scarf, and if above mentioned ways are followed then I am sure to say that they will last for long and will add on quality and variety to your wardrobe.

Buying Cashmere is all about investing

It is comparatively highly priced then other form of scarves because of the fact that it comes from different parts of the world. However the price of the scarf depends on the places from which it is bought, so the criteria for selecting cashmere scarf for you should not be money but to know whether it gives value for money or is worth buying. If it is useful then paying any amount of money is not more.

Some people think that if they are buying the most expensive cashmere scarf then they are buying the real ones, however such is not the fact. Cashmere is available in different parts of the country, and the area is also one of the factors for deciding the price of the product. So it is more important that the quality of cashmere is examined properly because the prices keep on varying. As discussed above the cashmere brought from China and Mongolia are the costliest ones, however this does not means that cashmere available in other parts of the country are not worth it. hence make sure to pick up the right piece for yourself, does not matters if it is comparatively priced low but what is important is it should be useful and can keep you warm.

Welcome the fall and winters with the finest range of scarves to stay warm, cozy and trendy without feeling the chill outside. Also, read our post on tips to accessorize with vintage scarf for a cool and trendy look as and when you wish as we believe to stay chic always!

Scarf celebrity knot

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The hair bow is one of the most favorite hair accessories amid women who like to keep it stylish. When these bows come from the vintage scarves, then the look is completely different as it makes you look sophisticated and elegant. For a few women, keeping a hair bow is their signature look. These bows are perfect for stylising an unruly dirty hair and also helps in disguising the regrowth.

In this post, we will tell you some of the easy steps on how to tie a scarf hair bow. Thus, let us walk you through the step by step guide:

How to Tie a Scarf into a Hair Bow- Steps to Fold the Scarf

Step 1: Keep a square scarf on the table of your choice that you prefect to wear on your head. Silk or vintage scarf looks best as a bow headband.

Step 2: Fold the opposite corners in the centre in order to get a lozenge shape.

Step 3: Fold a half of scarf to the middle. But, if you have a rectangle scarf, then begin with the steps mentioned below..

Step 4: Fold the second half of the scarf on top of the earlier folded scarf.

Step 5: Fold the leftover scarf in equal half. If wider scarf is your preference, then skip this step.

Step 6: Twist the scarf gently to aid in holding the folded shape.

How to Tie a Scarf into a Hair Bow- Steps to Create a Bow

Step 1: Place the folded scarf over the base of your hairline. Keep the open ends where you wish to place the bow. A few women likes to keep it in the centre, whereas, some likes it in the side. Thus, adjust according to your own likeness.

Step 2: The way you tie a shoelace, just like that tie the scarf in a knot.

Step 3: Rearrange the bow until you are hundred percent satisfied with the look. In case you have a long scarf, then making double knots is suggested.

Step 4: Everything is done! Once you get a bow, the next thing that should be done is brushing your hair neatly. You can brush straight back or pull section of your hair over or under the scarf hair bow.

How to Tie a Scarf into a Hair Bow- A Few Alternative Styles

  1. For a long scarf, place the centre of the folded scarf in front of your head and cross it over at the back of your neck. Tie both the ends of the scarf in front of your head. The style works best for the people who have long rectangle scarf.
  2. Make a rosette bow simply by tucking the ends under your scarf in order to create some extra loops. This styles gives you a stylish and vintage look.
  3. You may opt to tie your scarf over the hair instead of placing it under your hair. To get this, tie the bow with the scarf at one side of the head. It gives you a 20s look instead of making you look wearing a crown.
  4. Another superb way to tie your scarf in a hair bow is by using a wider scarf. In this, you will have to skip a few folding steps. With the longer hair, you may choose to put it in a knotted ponytail or even a bun. Place your scarf around the head back and tuck your hair under it. Then, tie it in a bow in the front of your hairline. This look gives you a chance to look like an icon like Rosie the Riveter.


Making a head bow is very easy and simple to make. It can be done within a few minutes with all sorts of scarves. In fact, a torn or old scarf can also be used for making a hair bow. The torn part can be hidden under the folds and gives you a chance to wear your favorite scarf once again. You can choose any scarf that range from long scarves to short ones, thin to wide scarves and many more. Whatever you choose, make sure that it suits your complete outfit and blends well with your look.

We hope that the steps above have helped you in learning how to tie a scarf into a hair bow. Share with us your hair bow tails and tell us which style you used to give yourself a different look. We will be waiting to hear for you. Cheers J

scarf fabric

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The recent trend these days is the use of scarves over any kind of attire, and its use makes a girl/boy look all the more fashionable and ravishing. However to make the right choice of a scarf is the hardest thing to do, because if you pick up the wrong one then it would be surely a fashion disaster. You might have heard of polka dots, which have been famous for generations but its fashion faded away sometime in early nineties. The design is back again and this time on scarves too. The pattern of circles over any form of dress I am sure will remind you of what polka dots actually are, but if not let’s have a brief about it.

About: Polka Dots

Polka dots are a pattern of filled circles on the clothes. This pattern got its name from one of the famous dance forms. It has been the most fashionable item of the eighties and early nineties. But now the trend is back, however the patterns have been altered in some ways but the basic concept remains the same.

Modern Prints

In earlier times, the dots were of equal size and were spaced closely, whereas when we look at the modern prints they are much different from the earlier ones. These circles are now of different sizes which are randomly placed on the cloth. This design is often found on cloths, or toys of children.

Polka Dot items

Earlier the polka dots were used on the clothes of dancers, but with time this pattern gained popularity and was found on many things. It would be interesting to know that the first crack pipe vending machies were polka dotted. Talking about clothes, then there existed polka dot skirts, dresses, shirts and even scarves. However my personal favourite are the polka scarves.

Polka Dot Scarves: Benefits

  • Polka dots scarves are back in fashion, and if you will carry this scarf it will make you look fashionable too.
  • This can be carried on both formal and informal occasions.
  • There are no much issues about the matching of these scarves, as they are mostly available in two colors i.e. the color of the cloth and the circle are different which makes it easier to match for you with your dress.
  • These scarves are available in every length be it short or long and also in any season be it summers or winters.

Shop for polka scarves today

Everyone who is looking for some scarves, it is best if you carry out this hunting online itself. With this mode, you would be able to go through a large variety which may not be possible otherwise. So instead of driving to some shops, having a look on the online stores is a better option. Just type in the word scarf and I am sure a large variety would be available for you. You may choose to purchase it from the lot of fresh or sale. The best part of online purchase is the item is segregated on the basis of colors, categories, shapes etc. like in this case you can choose the polka dot category for yourself however the length of the scarf is your own personal choice.


Scarves can completely change the look of your outfit and can make the old clothes look new. And when you out for choosing the polka dot scarves I am sure there may be a large variety available for you. However don’t forget to choose a different scarf every time you shop for the same, different colors may add on to the variety in your shelves. So go ahead and pick up the best design for yourself but make sure it is apt for the season to carry like for summers the material should be thin, whereas for winters you can go for the woolen stuff to protect yourself from the child weather.

Read our post on top 5 scarf tying tips to get that perfect red carpet look. If you would want us to write on some particular topic, let us know. We will be happy to share our knowledge and tips with you.

Scarf celebrity knot

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Winters are the chilling season of the year and people often love to enjoy the cold weather sipping the cup of hot tea and sitting in front of fire to feel the warmth in this cold weather. But how to get away from this cold weather, if there is no source to feel the warmth? Obviously, the warm clothes will help in this situation. Scarves can also help in getting away from cold weather. A scarf will protect you from the cool breezes blowing in winters. But make sure that the scarf material is made from a fabric that provides warmth.

People love to enjoy winters, but most of them resist themselves in their homes to get away from the cold weather. This is not the only solution to fight such extreme weather conditions. Wrapping yourself with woolen clothes and covering your head and face with scarf can help you in this cause. Scarves make you feel warm and most importantly make you get away from the cool breezes of winters. These scarves also protect you from cell burst and skin damage due to cold weather. Scarves are most favorable accessory for men and women in winters.

People even carry these scarves among them when they are travelling to cold cities of the world, just to stay protected against the cold weather. Carrying a scarf is must, if you had planned travel to a cold place. These scarves will help you in feeling the warmth even in adverse weather conditions. The scarf material plays an important role in keeping you warm. The scarf fabric you choose must be made from woolen material. Scarf made from Pashmina or Cashmere fabric is a good option. The pure Pashmina scarves are really warm and have long life. Finding the pure Pashmina scarf is really very difficult. It is a thin fabric made from the wool of the sheep and has fine quality. The wool of Pashmina sheep is woven into the fine fabric that is then used to make a Pashmina scarf. These Pashmina scarves are very expensive by actually are worth buying.

The cashmere scarves are similar to Pashmina scarves, but are mixed with other fabric to reduce the cost. These Cashmere scarves are also very warm and you can wrap them up around your neck, ears, face or head to make yourself feel warmth. Woolen scarves can also be purchased, but make sure that the woolen scarf you choose must be very finely woven, so that the air could not pass through it. The color of the scarf also matters a lot whenever you are buying it for winters. You should avoid the light color scarves in winter. These light color scarves allow air to pass in and out and this make you feel cooler. Going for darker color scarves will absorb more heat from the sun and will also not allow the air to pass through them easily. This is why darker color scarves have more tendencies to make you feel warmer as compared to light colored scarves.

Get ready to chill out with the warm scarves in autumn and fall season. These warm scarves are generally available before the starting of the fall season and are available in the stores throughout the fall season. If you want to buy these scarves at off season then reaching for them online is a better option. The online shopping portals provide you scarves by different brands and under different prices. Moreover, you need not to visit place to place in order to find the perfect scarf.

Choosing a long warm scarf will be an ideal choice. The long scarf will provide you larger area to cover yourself properly in stylish fashion. Though, the medium sized or short sized scarf can be purchased to cover the specific area on your body. So, enjoy the fall season roaming out of your house wearing classy warm scarves.

Thus, get on with your fall and winter shopping now and get some of the finest range of scarves and hats to protect and look smart in all the attires that you wear. To help further, read our post on 20 different styles to wear a scarf to look chic always.

Infinity shape scarves

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A scarf is a perfect accessory to enhance the look of your clothes. It makes your simple and dull attire look new and attractive. Similarly, a scarf is perfect to enhance your overall look when worn differently on different parts of the body and in different styles.

In this post, we will tell you some of the most amazing ways to get your scarf work further in adding more charm and charisma to your looks. Read on to know how you can use your scarves differently:


Style 1: Use your scarf as the hair accessory

The scarf of your choice can be worn in many styles on your hair. Get to know some of the most fantastic ways that can be tried to accessorize your hair:

  1. If you have made a ponytail, then you can make your simple ponytail look attractive by tying the scarf around it. You may leave the loose ends down or even tuck the remaining ends under the ponytail for a neater and tighter look.
  2. If you have a long scarf, then you can use it as a headband. You can try to match your headband and clothes so that you get a nicer look. While wearing your scarf as a headband, you may either make a knot from the extra scarf ends or simply let them hang down and come over your one shoulder. This gives you a very stylish and different look.
  3. You can use your broad scarf to cover most of your head and get a pirate look. This is best for a weekend outing and this makes you look cool and funky.
  4. If you wish to braid your hair, then weave your scarf along with the hair strands for an interesting hairstyle.


Style 2: Tie your scarf around the neck for a 50s chic look

This style is perfect when you have a shorter scarf. To get this look, begin with folding the scarf to get a straight line. Then, drape the scarf around your neck and make a knot in front. Leave the extra ends loose. You can move the knot either in any side or keep it in the centre. This look reflects the style of 50s and you can enhance this style by wearing a big sized sunglasses.


Style 3: Tie your scarf as a belt around your waist

This is a superb style to add more colors to your outfit. You can try on this style to accessorize your outfit only if you have a long scarf. The scarf may be rolled up and then threaded into the belt loops. You can tie a nice knot or even pin up with a beautiful brooch. Once pinned or knotted, you can either tuck the remaining ends or even allow them dangle for a better and chic look.


Style 4: Make a nice bracelet with your thin scarf

This is a perfect way to show off your favorite scarf which does not get a lot of chances for everyday wear. To get a nice scarf bracelet, you can use your square or short scarf and tie it around your wrist neatly. You may keep the ends loose or can even tuck inside the band.


Style 5: Use your scarf to enhance the look of your older shoes

  1. A pair of scarves can add life to your old shoes. If your shoes have some ribbon or any other fabric, then you can replace them with your pair of scarves. This will give a new life to your old shoes and make them wearable once again.
  2. You can also wound around the sandal straps to add an interesting look and also complement your outfit.


A Few Additional Tips

  1. Rayon, linen, silk or thin cotton are best fabrics to be used as the scarf accessories. The scarves made from thicker materials like wool or even crocheting ones may not be used as accessories very easily. Experimenting with scarves can tell the best fabric and designs that works best for you.
  2. Some tips for color selection:
  3. If you have black or bronze hair color, then avoid wearing scarves of lighter or white colors until you know that they suit your outfits.
  4. If you have blond hair color, then avoid wearing scarves of yellow and orange colors.
  5. If you have pale skin tone and black hair color, then mostly all the scarf colors will look good on you
  6. You can choose to get a range of scarves online. These days many online scarf merchants offer scarves in different colors, designs, fabrics and patterns. Thus get what suits you the best.


A scarf has multi-purpose usages and can give you a makeover drastically if used properly. Having an idea about teaming up with your attires and styling your scarf is a must to get the best from this small piece fabric.

We hope that this post have helped you in getting more ideas about augmenting your looks with different scarfing styles. If you have any idea which can be used to accessorize your clothes, body or looks by using the scarf in different styles, then do share with our readers. Till then, keep reading our posts on scarves and know that you must have in your closet to be updated and chic always!



scarf fabric|short scarves

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Can I wear a silk scarf even during summers


Summer is one of that seasons that is loved by few people and hated by the most. The water lovers always love this season as they can enjoy their time in water parks, swimming pools, and playing different water sports. But the summer heat may damage your skin and this is the main reason why summers are hated by most of the people. This can turn your skin black and may cause sun burn. You can try to protect your skin by wearing a silk scarf. It will help you out is staying away from the sun’s heat to large extent. You can protect your skin wearing the silk scarf during summers.

These scarves are now been designed for both men and women. The men’s scarves are little longer than that or women, while the women’s scarves for summer may be shorter or longer in length. Summer silk scarves are designed to suit the hot and humid weather. Sometimes they are even mixed with cotton or linen to add water absorbing nature. Silk scarves are light in weight and are the first choice of men and women in every season throughout the year. These silk scarves contribute too much in protecting our skin from the sun’s heat in summer and even protect us from the humid weather.

Wearing the silk scarf on a sunny day might seem intuitive and especially when you know that the silk fabric keep you warm in winters. This fabric really has some amazing properties that make it great to be worn throughout the year including summers. It shows properties that are well related to the temperature. The silk scarves keeps you cool in summers and keeps you warm in winter season. The silk scarf is worn over the head in summers to protect you against the heat of sun and hot weather. If you love to wear a hat in summers then you can make it appear little fancy. The silk scarf can be tied over the brim of the hat and this will enhance the look of the scarf. The silk scarf can even be tied around the neck like a tie. The hat, shades and a scarf are the rich accessories for you in summers.

These silk scarves cannot only be worn in hot days of summer, but they will even protect your skin from dust in the windy days of summer season. More importantly, the silk scarf protects your hairs from the dust. The silk scarves are readily available in the market throughout the year. You can even go online to buy silk scarf for you. You may find sale in the market on scarves and good deals can be found across the internet too. It is recommended to choose a silk scarf that is unique in style and design which can also be worn in a party. The silk scarves when worn with the dress in party during summers, cherishes your look. The summer silk scarves can also be used to tie your hairs and the school girls can also use them for the same purpose.

One of the greatest uses of silk scarf in summer is to stay protected from the hot and humid weather of summer and protect the skin from getting sun burns. The silk scarves serve this purpose in summers as well as throughout the year. It has great properties. Silk scarves also have a property that it is repellent to the dust and other particles. Silk scarves are also cheaper to buy than the scarves made from other material. The demand of these silk scarves is rising throughout the world and people are eagerly buying the latest collection of silk scarves throughout the year. So, wear the silk scarf during the summer without hesitating. Use it throughout the year in any season.

A silk scarf is a must for all the women as each one fancy to have a collection of silk scarves which looks elegant and sophisticated and can be worn in any party or event. To add more fun to your scarf, read our post on 20 tips to tie your scarf in different ways for a new look always.

Hemp Material Scarves| Floral Trend Scarf

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Scarves for the Special Day- Wedding


Scarves have gotten to be need and style explanation for all. The fantastic shawls have been a most loved with ladies for quite a while with the tastefulness and fine craftsmanship they could be even worn with the just about every wedding clothing for spouses, bridesmaids and visitors.

Scarves – Must for Wedding

While wedding industry masters are continually searching for the best result which includes the class, unconventionality or colour for their spouse’s unique day – they complimentary shade tones scarves for wedding dress that will upgrade and include overlaying shades of composition! Make an effort not to fall into the ‘matchy – matchy’ trap and get here is that we ought not to pick colours that precisely match the blooms, bridesmaids’ dresses, and materials of our dress.

This is the ideal blessing for all ages. You can include that individual touch by having it monogrammed with their first beginning on their most loved shade shawl. There is exclusive range of trendy scarves available in the market.

  • Comfy up with a fleece mix shawl trimmed with fake hide for a definitive blessing.
  • The shawl shopping rundown is in with a mix of examples and compositions for entertainment only botanical, ribbon, weaves cottons, silk and tweeds.
  • Some time ago you were given a shawl and you collapsed it into a drawer.
  • Well now is the right time to take it out – on the grounds that today is all wrapped up in shawls.

There are distinctive approaches to wrap the bridal scarves around the neck. The decision relies on upon the event that the individual is going to. The most famous approach to wear a wedding dress scarf is to wear around one’s neck. In case you’re conquering a cool stormy wedding, consider a silk scarf for a pop of shade or a pretty example in lieu of an overwhelming wrap. It won’t keep you as warm as fleece, yet it might simply be the lightweight adornment piece for which you’ve been looking. Plus, on the off chance that you get a chill I’m certain your man of the hour will be upbeat to loan you his suit layer, correct?

Different ways of wearing the Scarf

The scarves for the wedding dress might be worn in a couple of styles for your hair, keeping the occasion in the mind:

In case you’re wearing a braid, tie a short scarf around the pig tail. Wear it as a headband in the event that it is long enough. Attempt to match it to your garments shades. At the point when wearing it as a headband, either bunch up the additional scarf end left over or attract it around to dangle in excess of one shoulder for a sleek look. This is an especially decent use for a long scarf. The bridal scarves can be tied crosswise over the greater part of the highest point of your head can give a “privateer” look to your style. In case you’re meshing your hair, weave the scarf in an out as one of the hair strands for an especially intriguing hairdo.

Some tips while buying the scarves for the special day of your life

Lots of scarves in preluded condition might be obtained from thrift stores. You can discover different varieties of colours and plans to play with. Just make sure what works best on you, exclusive range of trendy scarves is available in the market. Keeping the following points in mind person should buy the best wedding dress scarf for herself.

  • If you have fair hair, abstain from wearing orange or yellow colours.
  • If you have bronze or dark hair, abstain from wearing white or lighter shades unless you know they suit.
  • If you are at formal meeting or event, you can wear a scarf in similar fashion as you wear necktie to look bit professional


A scarf can be worn in almost all the occasions, which includes the wedding too. In fact, a scarf makes the best accessory to augment the look of your dress. Thus, try on a trendy scarf with the wedding attire to look different and chic. Also, read our post on 20 tips to tie a scarf in order to get some fantastic ways to try on each time you step out.

Vintage Scarfs| Universe Scarf

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One thing that I have noticed in all the fashion conscious women is that they do not like to dress themselves without matching a nice accessory. They do not believe that only a dress can give that perfect look and thus, they always like to match their dress with a great piece of accessory that blends amazingly with their overall attire and enhance their look.


Just like the fashion itself, the silhouettes, shapes and colors of all the accessories change with time. Normally, finding the coolest new looks which is in trend is a bit difficult, but a trendy bag or even an elegant piece of necklace can be pooled with the older clothes in order to get an outfit which looks fresh, new and stylish. For example, an emerald green is the color of season; an appealing green stone necklace looks good and is easier to wear as compared to wearing a bright colored green trouser. Thus, investing a little in some new, trendy and fun accessories can enhance the quality of your closet even if you do not have the latest fashion or trendy clothes to wear in the season.


In this post, I will tell you 4 of the most important accessories to have in your closet in order to get that funky, stylish and chic look always. Read on to know them:




Handbags: A Lot More Than Just Holding Your Money


Handbags or the purses does not only hold the things which you need when out, they even complete your overall getup or look. A basic simple purse can be the best accessory to carry while going to the office during the weekdays. Whereas, during the weekends, matching your purse with a dress can complete your look and make you get going for the weekend fun. It adds a little fun and class to your outfit. A chic clutch makes your t-shirt and jeans look audacious.


Spice Up With A Nice Pair of Shoes, Sandals & Boots


You do not have to match your shoes with your handbag or even your outfit. As a matter of fact, the coolest way to wear shoes these days is going really crazy and wild with your selection. Studs, spikes, color blocking, straps, jewels and mesh have found their path to our feet. Matching a pair of bright color shoes with a simple outfit makes you look funky and add a little zing to your overall look.




Scarf It Up- Accessory For All Ages


It looks that each one have their own style and idea about using a scarf. Many people wear them as a belt whereas, some like to wear it as a headgear. Some like to wear it as a shawl whereas, some like to wear it as a halter top. So on and so forth, a scarf has multiple uses and how you use it completely depends on your own personal taste and style. A scarf is a must-have accessory which adds glam to your outfit tremendously. A silk scarf is amid the favorites in all men and women. These enhances the overall look drastically with its sheen and richness. Thus, it is a great accessory to be worn in new ways each time you go out to office, party with friends or even out for a date.


Add A Dash Of Elegance With A Nice Jewelry


Mostly all the women agree that jewelry are a part of their everyday outfit and should be worn 24×7. A fine piece of jewelry makes a great fashion statement if paired with a perfect outfit. Some of the recent trend include black and gold jewelry and the artificial stone studded ones. Having a black piece is a must as this works great with almost all the color outfits and for all the patterns too.




Teaming up your outfit with at least one accessory is a must as it adds charm and glam to your outfit. It makes you look complete and stylish. Thus, ensure to have the best of scarves, handbags, jewelry and shoes to look your best always! Compromising on these will make you compromise on your looks. Thus, if you like to be one of the fashionistas, get all these and share your sense of styling with us now!






Professional Women Getting Trendy with Scarves

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Women, who has captured the professional well is seen carrying the latest trend son themselves. They are the strict followers of fashion. Women are seen carrying scarves these days be it professionally or casually, it has become one of the trendiest accessories. The scarves for women add on to your style sophistically making you more confident and presentable among the crowd. It suits well on you in the professional world too provided it is carried with proper grace and style. However choosing the right scarf on the right dress is very important. Silk scarves are the perfect scarves for office which best suits the professional wear and adds to the look, just the way we want yet keeping it simple and sober.

How to choose the scarves for office?

  • Choose a perfect scarf which is both elegant and appropriate for wearing in office.
  • Learn how to wear and carry the scarf over different dresses, it becomes very important to put the scarf on the dresses appropriately.
  • Fill up your closet with number of options such that you have variety and can make the choice of scarf according to the colour and design of your dress.

How to carry the scarf when in office?

If you are carrying any scarf then along with the design and colour of the scarf it is important that you carry it off well and also it suits to the kind of dress your wearing. You can opt for some fashionable ways for carrying the scarf. Below mentioned are some of the suggested tips to carry the scarf;

  • Tie the Scarf around the neck, one of the common styles and fashionable styles of putting it on. However if you are using light weight scarf for yourself, then don’t forget to tie it with some pin such that it does not gets dislocated every now and then. You can use thicker scarves for draping them around the neck.
  • Half Fold the Scarf, this winters you can use the scarves of wool or cashmere in winters, to give you some warmth or protect you from the cold season. You can put the scarf around the neck; ensure that one end is on each side of your neck. You can keep the ends tight or loose according to your convenience and wish.
  • Use a silk scarf over the business outfit, usually the office colours are gray, black, blue or white. All these dull colours can be made fashionable and trendy by carrying a bright colour scarf over it. Some of the tips is wearing the scarf around your neck front to back, bring in both the ends forward, then tie the ends loosely in one knot, thereby adjust the knots in such a way such that one lies over the other. I am sure this will give you a fashionable and trendy look yet maintaining the decorum of the office.
  • Tie your scarf as bow, add a contrasting colour scarf to your dress and then wrap it around your neck. Once wrapped tie a knot in a bow way. This bow look will suit over professional suits and skirts making your look perfect for the meetings and professional gatherings. This bow thing gives you a unique and different look from the usual crowd.
  • When attending meetings, you can use the scarf by hanging them under the collar of your shirt, thus the end of the scarf may be covering the collar of the coat.
  • Addition of scarves to your dresses will look as if the whole wardrobe has been changed but the reality is different. You have just added on a scarf to make the look more fashionable and trendy.
  • The scarves for women may be used to protect yourself from the strong air conditioning of the office, hence serving two purposes i.e. protecting you from cold and also giving your dress a different look.
  • The scarves can make a strong statement on others, in professional meetings it is necessary for you to create positive impact on the people so getting started with the right impression if what you would want. So upgrade your physical appearances with the help of scarves thus making your personality bold and impactful.
  • The scarves can be carried on all the occasions be it casual, formal or informal occasions.

Advantages of wearing an office scarf