
Tips for Petites on How Not To Wear A Scarf

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Women who are petites have to think a lot in order to avoid looking shorter. The sense of styling and dressing have to be different in order to ensure that they do not contribute more to their problem. Dressing up intelligently is a must for them to create an illusion of looking taller and smarter. For this, knowing the art of dressing and accessorizing is a must. To help you here, we have brought you some of the essential points for all the petites on how not to wear a scarf while going out for any party or event. These not-to-do list will help all the petites in avoiding the style of wearing scarf which can make them look more petite, Thus, read on the post to know:

Style 1 To Avoid:

The first and mostly worn way which all the petites should never try is the kerchief style. Basically, this style consist of a short scarf that is tied around the neck and then knotted on any side. Regrettably, this style of wearing a scarf does nothing to make you look nice but as a matter of fact, it makes you look shorter. A better way of wearing this kind of small scarf is to tuck it into the V-neckline which gives a lengthening illusion and makes you look taller and smarter.

Style 2 To Avoid:


The second style which a petite should never try with a scarf is the knot at centre front and draped at back. Draping a folded square scarf around the back neck is not bad, but the actual problem is the knot that is placed at the centre of the front portion. Due to this, the desirable vertical line is intermittent which results in shortening of your height effect.


In such a case, the best alternative is to pull down the knot in front to get a V-shape. After pulling it down, pin the scarf so that it stays in its place. This way of wearing a square scarf give a taller illusion.


Style 3 To Avoid:


The third style which the petites should never try is wrapping a scarf around the neck and then tie a knot in the front centre. A lot of women who are short in height mostly have short necks. Wearing scarf in such way hides their neck completely and gives a feeling of them being without a neck. This style looks weird in petite women and thus should be avoided. Instead, all short women should drape the scarf over 1 shoulder to get a trendy asymmetrical look that restore their neckline and creates a longer line.


Style 4 To Avoid:

The fourth way which all petites should avoid while accessorizing with a scarf is wrapping it horizontally and draping it vertically. A tall model with a long-beautiful neckline will look amazing in this way, but not a short women. Instead, changing this style a little by simply avoiding wrapping the scarf around neck and just open up the neckline by preserving the two vertical lines makes the shorter women look taller.


5 Tips To Wear A Scarf To Get A V-Neckline

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A scarf is a best friend of all the women who likes to be fashionable and chic always. Wearing a scarf is an art and who-so-ever knows it can juggle with their looks stunningly. A scarf can be worn in numerous ways matching your attire, occasion and mood. In this post, we would like to tell you how to wear a scarf to get a V-neckline.

Women love to have a V-neckline as it looks beautiful and elegant and also makes it easier for them to show off their beautiful necklaces. Thus, to know the trait of wearing a scarf for a v-neckline, read the post:

Style #1 To Get A V-Neckline With Scarf:

Having a v-neckline helps the shorter women to look taller as it helps to create an illusion of a longer line and a longer neck. In order to wear your scarf in this way, begin by folding the rectangular shaped scarf and tuck it in the v-neckline. To get this look, a square scarf can also work but make sure to make it bulkier by folding it many time. In case you are using a square scarf, ensure to opt for a lightweight one like silk or chiffon. If you choose to wear a scarf according to the style #1 which is very close to your skin, then stay away from all the bulky fabric as it will make you uncomfortable and unattractive.

Look at the image below to know what kind of scarf you should look for:

Style #2 To Get A V-Neckline With Scarf:

The style 2 suggest to wear a scarf as a necklace. In order to get this look, take a rectangle shaped oblong scarf and fold it lengthwise to get the desired width. Place the scarf around your neck and get both the ends in the front. Get a pendant or even a brooch and tie both the sides of the scarf in the centre with it. This makes your scarf look like a nice necklace. Tuck in the remaining ends of the scarf under your coat.

A vibrant colored scarf when tied like a necklace makes your outfit look vivacious and perfect. Select a scarf just like the image below:

This style does not essentially have to be teamed with a V-neckline shirt. It is a necklace style and it will create its own V-shape by properly placing the scarf.


Style #3 To Get A V-Neckline With Scarf:

Wearing a scarf like a man’s tie makes you look slimmer and nice as the V-shape formed when knotted in the centre below the neck makes your neck look bigger and slimmer. Instead of knotting up the scarf on the neck, pull down the knot below to give it a V-shape. If you are wearing a garment that has V-neckline, then position your scarf knot neatly at the V of your attire.


To get a perfect slimmer and taller look with a V-neckline, use a scarf that is lighter and thin. See the image below to know what kind of scarf you should look for:


Style #4 To Get A V-Neckline With Scarf:

In this style, you can make a V-neckline with your scarf while you wear a coat or a jacket. Wear a scarf over your neck and hold both the ends in the front. Get both the ends in the middle and pin it in the centre with a small pin so that it is not visible. Tuck the scarf inside your coat so that only the V-neckline is visible. During the winter days, opt to wear a scarf made from wool or even a cashmere for warmth.

Look at the image below to know what kind of scarf you should choose to get this style:


A scarf can change your looks drastically. It can make you look taller, slimmer and also make you look bulkier and short. The way you tie your scarf and the material of scarf you use defines your look. Thus, it is very important to choose your scarf correctly and intelligently. Ensure to select the perfect design, color and fabric to get the best and look best for any event and occasion.

A scarf is the most essential accessory for men and women both. Thus, make use of it to enhance your overall look rather than degrading it.

Keep reading our posts as we guide you through some of the most interesting and useful tips regarding scarves.   

The Essence of Wearing A Scarf

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Women no way like to compromise with their looks even during a chilly night. They can never over dress to keep covered and warm during winters as it can spoil their overall look and make them look not so attractive and dull. The night event dresses are mostly not very warm and customarily focuses on fashion and style. During such frosty nights, they like to opt for mini sweaters or something which covers them a little without spoiling the look but making them feel the icy wind running through their body. Thus, in such a situation, scarf plays a great role. The scarves available these days are very stylish and as well as hybrid. These are functional as these provide great protection from cold and also maintains the sophisticated look.

Now, one might ask as to why is it a great idea to wear a scarf? Well, the answer is very simple. A scarf shows the best balance between stunning looks and functionality too. The scarves these days are not merely used to keep warm. The various prints, designs and fabrics makes it a favorite accessory to be worn by both men and women. In fact, it is considered to be the most essential accessory and a closet without at least one scarf is incomplete and untrendy. Scarves can be used anytime and with any sort of outfits. Different scarves are available to be worn over formal dress, casuals and even for wedding.

In the older times, the scarves were used only to keep the body warm during cold weather. But, the leading brands saw a lot more behind it and thought it to be an upcoming fashion accessory. The Europeans were first to spot scarves as an accessory rather than just using it during winters. Due to this, thousands of new styles and designs were launched by them. Many brands took on to make scarves as people liked and went crazy to have them in their closet. With so much of fun, style and elegance attached to it; finding a closet without any scarf is simply impossible these days.

A lot of women have issues with selecting the right kind of scarf in terms of texture and design. It is very important to know the right color and material of the scarf that would go with the particular outfit which you plan to wear. Else, you may look silly if the scarf does not blend well with your dress. Thus, choosing the right kind of scarf is a must to show your best looks with a simple accessory.

Using baggy and heavy sweaters is no more an elegant choice. People now prefer to opt for scarves for almost all the events and occasion. Be it a dinner date or a beach side fun, a scarf is always a must which looks attractive and completes the outfit and your look in the best way.

Apart from the merits of fine looks and elegance, the scarves comes cheap as compared to the other accessories. This means, this fine accessory can be bought by anyone who likes to stay stylish and sophisticated. Having some collection of scarves in different fabrics, colors, patterns and designs is also possible due to its low cost.

The scarves allow people to carry themselves smartly without overdoing with their looks and over accessorizing to get that perfect look. A simple piece of scarf does enough magic to make your dull and lustre-less clothes look refined and elegant enough to go for any party or any other meeting.

Thus, the essence of a scarf is never-ending and no one can do without it. Having a nice scarf sorts all your problems of dressing up rightly for any important outing. So, if you lack behind in having a scarf, get one now and share with us your sense of styling with it!

Few Tips to Help You in Choosing The Right Scarf

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The arrival of a new season brings a lot of changes with itself. For instance, a change in the wardrobe. One of the most essential things that you need to include in your closet is a nice scarf. But, Why a scarf? Well, a scarf is one of the most essential accessory that works best in all seasons.

In this post, we have mentioned some tips to help you choose a right scarf for you that would look good and make you comfortably adapt in your style.


Make sure that you choose a fabric that is best for the current season. For the summers, you can opt for a linen or cotton scarf that will keep you cool and also protect from the scorching sun. The light weight material is considered to be the right choice for this season. But, other than these fabrics, you can also opt for a silk scarf which are also made for the summer seasons. A silk scarf can be worn over as a headgear to protect from the sun heat. These look ravishing and elegant, thereby enhancing your overall look.  

                  organic materials

Width and Length:

A basic scarf is normally between 50-90 inches, but shorter scarves are also available. The length of the scarf that you choose should be in proportion to your height. The taller people can go for the long scarves. Your height plays an important role while choosing the best sized scarf for you. The width of a scarf is normally between 6-14 inches. But, here also you should choose only those scarves that suits your body type.

Also, the way a scarf is worn impact the way you look drastically. If a long scarf is flown down from your neck, it gives you a longer and slimmer look. Whereas, a bulky tied scarf get all the attention only on your scarf, overseeing other features. Thus, using or tying a scarf appropriately is a must. 

different width and length
          different width and length


When we talk about the color of a scarf, telling a particular scarf color can be very difficult. One thing that should be kept in mind always is that the color which you choose to wear should blend with your outfit and is in harmony with the event. One more thing that should be considered is that the color should suit your skin tone as it will be close to your face. 


various colours and patterns
          various colours and patterns



While most of the scarves are in rectangular in shape, you might also get some scarves which are in triangular, square, etc. in shape. If you feel those shaped scarves match you, then you do not have any reason to push them away from your closet. Go for it and style the way it looks good on you.

How to Tie The Scarves:

Tying a scarf is an art and everyone does not have it in them. Scarves can be worn in many different ways, making different knots, wearing differently like as a belt, bandana, headgear, formal knot and many more. Thus, wearing it in the correct style that suits the event and dress is also very important. A simple knot works best in almost all the occasions and with all the attires, but if you plan to go beyond the simple ones and get some new chic style, make sure you do not overdo with the scarf. A scarf looks good only when worn in the best way. If you choose to wear a scarf as a bandana, make sure you choose the occasion for it properly. A casual outing is best to sport this look. A scarf waist belt is fun when you relax and unwind in a beach. Thus, different places, occasions and time plays a very important role in tying the scarves.

 A scarf is rightly called the best and chic accessory which is a must for all men and women as it makes them look smart, elegant and fashionable. But, choosing the right scarf for an event is equally important as it ensures to bring out the best looks in you when teamed with the best outfit for a right occasion. Selecting a wrong scarf can land you up in a miserable situation.

I hope that the 5 pointers above are useful to help you in deciding the right scarf. Let us know if you have anything to add-on to make the selection a right one for all the people who love to be stylish and cool always. Cheers! 

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Most unique mother’s day gift

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Most unique mother's day gift

Most unique mother’s day gift- A scarf @
you can find a perfect scarf @ scarfuniverse by browsing these categories
Season, Material, Length, Trend, Shape, Colour, Gender, Sale.

Ideas for mother’s day gifts

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Ideas for mother's day gifts

A scarf will be an elegant gift for mother’s day, a scarf is a perfect gift for every woman,
it goes with formals, casuals or any other type of clothing, also it suits on women of any age and in any season.There are too many choices in choosing a scarf.
A large collection of scarves with vibrant colors, prints and material is available @ 50 % off @

Upcoming Holiday 2014

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upcoming holiday 2014


Feb 17 Presidents’ Day

Washington’s Birthday, also known as Presidents’ Day, is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of February. The day honors presidents of the United States, including George Washington, the USA’s first president.

Apr 13 Thomas Jefferson’s Birthday

The birthday of Thomas Jefferson, who was the United States’ third president, is an annual national legal observance on April 13 . He was the principal author of the U.S. Declaration of Independence and is known as one of the country’s founding fathers.


Apr 20 Easter Sunday

Many Christians celebrate Jesus Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday. The Easter date depends on the ecclesiastical approximation of the March equinox.

May 11   Mothers’ Day

Mother’s Day in the United States is annually held on the second Sunday of May. It celebrates motherhood and it is a time to appreciate mothers and mother figures. Many people give gifts, cards, flowers, candy, a meal in a restaurant or other treats to their mother and mother figures, including grandmothers, great-grandmothers, stepmothers, and foster mothers.

May 26   Memorial Day

Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May. It was formerly known as Decoration Day and commemorates all men and women, who have died in military service for the United States. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials on Memorial Day and it is traditionally seen as the start of the summer season.

Jun 15 Fathers’ Day

Father’s Day in the United States is on the third Sunday of June. It celebrates the contribution that fathers and father figures make for their children’s lives. Its origins may lie in a memorial service held for a large group of men, many of them fathers, who were killed in a mining accident in Monongah, West Virginia in 1907.

Jul 4    Independence Day

Independence Day is annually celebrated on July 4 and is often known as “the Fourth of July”. It is the anniversary of the publication of the declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776. Patriotic displays and family events are organized throughout the United States.


Sep 1   Labor Day

Labor Day is annually held on the first Monday of September. It was originally organized to celebrate various labor associations’ strengths of and contributions to the United States economy. It is largely a day of rest in modern times. Many people mark Labor Day as the end of the summer season and a last chance to make trips or hold outdoor events.

Oct 13 Columbus Day (Most regions)

Columbus Day, which is annually on the second Monday of October, remembers Christopher Columbus’ arrival to the Americas on October 12, 1492. This holiday is controversial because the European settlement in the Americas led to the demise of the history and culture of the indigenous peoples.

Oct 31 Halloween

Many Americans celebrate Halloween on October 31. Celebrations include costume parties and trick-or-treating.

Nov 11   Veterans Day

In the USA, Veterans Day annually falls on November 11. This day is the anniversary of the signing of the armistice, which ended the World War I hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany in 1918. Veterans are thanked for their services to the United States on Veterans Day.

Nov 27  Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day in the United States is a holiday on the fourth Thursday of November. It precedes Black Friday.

Dec 24   Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve in the United States, which is annually on December 24, is the day before Christmas Day. It falls within the Christmas season, which is a time for people to buy presents and visit friends or relatives.

Dec 25   Christmas Day

Many people in the United States celebrate Christmas Day on December 25. The day celebrates Jesus Christ’s birth. It is often combined with customs from pre-Christian winter celebrations. Many people erect Christmas trees, decorate their homes, visit family or friends and exchange gifts.

Dec 31   New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve, which is on December 31, is the last day of the year in the United States. It is a major social observance and many parties are held, particularly in the evening.

You can celebrate every holiday with and gift fashionable scarf to your love ones

Happy Valentine Day

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valentine day

scarf universe wish you all a very happy valentine day visit for special offers on scarf

How to Choose a Scarf

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winter scarf

Scarves are not just for cold weather. Designers make them to be worn any time of year because they are versatile, adding striking color and style to any outfit, which creates an entirely different look. If you do not wear many scarves, fall is a good time of year to transition a few select pieces into your wardrobe. To help you know which scarves work for you, you need to learn about the different textures and colors of scarves, as well as the different ways to wear a scarf. here is few tips for selecting scarf


1) Choose the scarf match with you dress


2) Select comfortable fabric, you will never want to wear a scarf wrapped around your neck that is going to feel uncomfortable


3) Select a scarf which must be warm, if you are going to buy a winter scarf it must be warm and thick. Also scarf should fully cover the back of your neck.


4) Choose a scarf that according to the length of your coat.


You can visit for find all about scarf