
Sophisticated Silk Scarves

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Online Scarf Store

Add Glam To Your Look With Silk Scarves

Silk is a woman’s best friend. Every woman likes to have a stuff made from silk. It makes them look rich and elegant. Silk is a dazzling fibre which is made from the larvae sheaths of the mulberry worm. The silk scarf for women is one thing which each woman wishes to have in her closet as it gives them a sophisticated touch. The sheen and the texture of the delicate fabric are loved by everyone.

Scarf Universe is happy to offer some of the most exclusive collection of silk scarves at the best prices. The quality and designs outshines all other texture. These scarves are delivered with the utmost care and in the best condition. You can also see some of our other collection scarves simply by browsing through the sections of viscose scarves and plaid scarves. Thus, go and get a piece for yourself now!


Infinity shape scarves

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Infinity shape scarves

Embellished scarves are the fashion scarves that have a different decoration, a special feature and special texture details. They are simply more appealing, attractive and eye-catching than the formal scarves. The scarves that we use every day with their colors, design and prints mostly reflect our thoughts, feelings and lifestyle. Sometimes we use scarves just to give an impression, show an expression, support an idea or even give a message.

Scarf celebrity knot

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Infinity Shape Scarf,Infinity shape scarves
Embellished scarves are the fashion scarves that have a different decoration, a special feature  and special texture details. They are simply more appealing, attractive and eye-catching than the formal scarves. The scarves that we use every day with their colors, design and prints mostly  reflect our thoughts, feelings and lifestyle. Sometimes we use scarves just to give an impression, show an expression, support an idea or even give a message.

Scarf celebrity knot

floral trend scarf

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In the world of scarf shopping, a few things becomes a disappointment if we spend on something which is not genuine and made us pay a huge amount. One such item which may have got us in such situation is a Burberry scarf. The forged industry has widened in the recent year and is growing smoother day by day. Due to this reason, people now feel worried about the authenticity of the goods purchased especially the ones that are expensive and unique.


If you are planning to buy a Burberry scarf, then it is very important to understand what makes it a real scarf and what makes it a duplicate one. In this post, we will tell you a few important points to figure out an authentic Burberry scarf from the duplicate one so that you do not feel being cheated by the shopkeeper. Thus, take these steps in order to ensure that you have the real scarf and a rip-off.


Instructions to be followed while buying a Burberry Scarf:


  1. Learn and research about the Burberry scarves well in advance and get familiarize with it in terms of feel and look of the real brand. Examine the scarves with your friend and check Burberry scarves present with the well-known retailers. The more you examine them, the more you get to know about these scarves and less likely to get fooled in buying a fake one.


  1. You can also read and get more information about spotting the fake Burberry scarf online. The more you read, the more you get to know. Thus, a lot of research is a must.


  1. Observe the pattern and also read the label attached. The authentic Burberry scarves are flawlessly symmetrical from all the ends with the labels having “London” mentioned. If the tag has anything else written, then it is ought to be a fake instead of being real.


  1. Touch and feel the material of the scarf. The Burberry use pure cashmere and silk in order to make the scarves. These ones are very soft and looks grand. Run your hand on the scarf and try to feel the material. Even though the fake sellers may mention tags of pure cashmere and silk, you can identify it by touching the scarf as the pure ones ate smooth and soft in texture.


  1. Have a look at the price. The Burberry scarves comes in the range from $250 to $500 and can go up to a lot more in a few cases. If you get an offer which sounds too good and cheap, then probably it is a fake deal. The Vintage Burberry scarves can cost a little less but not as cheap as any other scarves.


  1. The best option to get an idea of the real Burberry scarf is to go to a real and luxury retail brand and check out the real scarf there. A quick comparison amid your scarf and the scarf present in the store can give you the real idea of the authenticity of the Burberry scarf bought by you. If you still cannot figure out, then taking help from the sales associate is recommended as they have complete knowledge of what they sell. Though many sale associated may not be ready to authenticate your scarf, but most of them are happy to help. Thus, it is your job to convince them.

Tips & warnings to be taken into consideration:

Buy Burberry scarves from the reliable online retailers or from the official Burberry stores. Avoid buying these scarves from any place that sounds too good an offer. These scarves does not come cheap and high discounts are never given. Thus, do not get carried away by the appealing discounts and low prices.


We hope the tips mentioned above have helped you to know the real Burberry scarf. These points can help you to know the authenticate scarves and get the best buy without falling a prey to the fake retailers. If you have a scarf and would like to share a few points with our readers, then please leave your comments below. Also, read our post on cute scarves trend in college to stay chic always. Cheers!


Hemp Material Scarves

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With the new season a lot of people might have prepared a big list of what clothes or colors to buy. The collection at the nearby mall or store must have tempted you a lot to buy it and make it a part of your wardrobe. Well women if you are thinking this way, then you are not alone because almost all the women are going through it and are so eager to get hold of the jackets, scarves, shawls, sweaters this season which can keep them warm and also make them beautifully stunning.

How to choose chic this fall?

Well making choice for the dresses of girls it is very important to keep even the smallest of things in mind and also take care of their choices and tastes but it is also important that the decision is taken according to the season and trend of the days. Well following factors should be kept in mind while making the choice of dresses;

  • With this season the use of colors becomes less, which means you have to choose some neutral colors which may seem boring at the first look to almost all the girls.
  • The profile of the dresses are kept a bit relaxed, so it is also important that you have maintained the tone of your body this summer such that lighter collection can suit your body.
  • You can carry some accessories over the dresses to add on colors to yourself, because you may feel incomplete without it. Dressing up with some necklaces or bracelets is also a good idea, but having a scarf is a must. This is the best time to do some experiments with your style and looks and see which combination suits you the best. Thus, scarves work best when it comes to experimenting with looks with different scarf knot styles.
  • Buying boots is also an expensive thing to do, and for many of those who cannot afford to spend huge amounts will chose to wear a single pair the whole season thus making things more difficult for you.
  • It is important that you keep your focus on the whole look, the lifestyle has become so busy and tough that it has difficult for you to carry different clothing for different occasions. So buying something subtle which can be carried to office as well as suits on some social gatherings or dinner too.
  • The colors of the season is black and gray, however you can used full shaped cardigans to make it look all the more elegant on you. So while making a choice of the cardigan it is better if you choose a different piece which maintains your feminine shape and makes you look more beautiful. But if you no more want to carry the cardigans, then you can chose the body hugging warm tops with the combinations of leggings and boots, and mind you, you may look just outstanding.
  • Cropped clothes can be chosen for parties, where you can carry high heels along with it. This shall give you a break from the usual boots too.

So this season you can keep in mind the above and fill your wardrobe with nothing but the best. However don’t forget that the number of thing you buy is not important, it is important that you put in your money in good quality things such that they can last long, and you can keep on adding to this stuff every now and then when you get money. Also go for fabrics which are delicate and suits your skin, because you are precious and hence should be taken care off in the best possible way.

You can shop for some of the hottest stuff online especially scarves, without the need of stepping out of home for buying some of the best pieces which are made available to you from the whole world. You can surf online from the various brands and sites, which shall deliver the ordered goods at your doorstep without the need of getting into too much of hustle. However don’t forget to pick up colors and dresses which matches your body shape, style and complexion.


Crochet Scarf Patterns| Hemp Material Scarves| Trendy Scarves

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Scarfuniverse are provided various types of scarves i.e. Crochet Scarf Patterns, Hemp Material Scarves, Trendy Scarves, Vintage Scarfs, Universe Scarf, Floral Trend Scarf, Floral Trend Scarves, Modal Material Scarf, neck scarf, viscose scarf and stylish head scarves.


Fashion scarves

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Scarf makes an affordable and easy way to dress up your wardrobe.
An elegant scarf makes you look more feminine. Even a basic scarf keeps you warm in the winter and look stylish at the same time.

It is good for many combinations. You can tie your scarf to your bag, you can use it as a belt,
you can tie your hair up with it when you are sitting by the sea and wrap it around your neck when the sun starts to set.

Find beautiful Naia Printed Birds Scarf by scarfuniverse.com

Beautifully elegant with silhouettes of birds in flight, a great addition to any wardrobe. Dimension: L 72 x W 43

Mother’s day celebration

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Mother’s Day in the United States is annually held on the second Sunday of May.
It celebrates motherhood and it is a time to appreciate mothers and mother figures.
Many people give gifts, cards, flowers, candy, a meal treat etc.to their mother and
mother figures.

Common gift ideas-
*Many people send cards or gifts to their mother.
*Make a special effort to visit her.
*Present handmade cards or any handy craft article.
*Common Mother’s Day gifts are flowers, chocolates, candy, jewelry and other treats.
*Make a special meal at home or make special dishes of her choice.
*Gives a meal treat at her favourite restaurent.

Here is a special gift idea for this mother’s day-

Gift her a elegant scarf with vibrant colors, prints and material of her choice and make her feel like she is wrapped in your warm love….

choose a perfect scarf @ http://www.scarfuniverse.com



Stunning mother’s day gift

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Stunning mother's day gift

Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.
Mother- whole world pervaded in this word. A mother not just give birth to a child but
she reared and cultured her child, she cares, loves most her child and it is selfless….
No one can take mother’s place in one’s life.

Love your mum, care for her, she is the only one who takes you into this beautiful world.
There is nothing in life without mom….

Get a stunning present/gift for her on this mother’s day and make her feel special, happy
and be loved……

There are so many choices for mother’s day gifts @ http://www.scarfuniverse.com
visit our website and get a perfect gift for your mother at very competitive prizes..

Happy Mother’s Day from scarfuniverse team.

New arrivals @ scarfuniverse

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Embellish her neck with beautiful scarves by scarfuniverse.
Seasonless scarves are beautiful neck wrap that you can wear throughout the year in any season.
Colours, texture, and material of these scarves are suitable for any season…

Get new scarves on 50 % off @ http://www.scarfuniverse.com/