neck wrap

Embellished Scarves

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green silk scarves!Infinity Shape Scarves

Embellished scarves are the fashion scarves that have a different decoration, a special feature and special texture details. They are simply more appealing, attractive and eye-catching than the formal scarves. The scarves that we use every day with their colors, design and prints mostly reflect our thoughts, feelings and lifestyle. Sometimes we use scarves just to give an impression, show an expression, support an idea or even give a message.

Both for men and women scarves are must have fashion accessories. Whatever color, design and texture they have: scarves, surely give a positive vibe and energy to our environment. Check the beautiful scarves in style also in our floral scarves , skull scarves and crochet scarves sections. Scarf Universe with its top customer service elegant scarves and reasonable prices is the top quality scarf online seller.

Metallic scarf

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The recent trend these days is the use of scarves over any kind of attire, and its use makes a girl/boy look all the more fashionable and ravishing. However to make the right choice of a scarf is the hardest thing to do, because if you pick up the wrong one then it would be surely a fashion disaster. You might have heard of polka dots, which have been famous for generations but its fashion faded away sometime in early nineties. The design is back again and this time on scarves too. The pattern of circles over any form of dress I am sure will remind you of what polka dots actually are, but if not let’s have a brief about it.

About: Polka Dots

Polka dots are a pattern of filled circles on the clothes. This pattern got its name from one of the famous dance forms. It has been the most fashionable item of the eighties and early nineties. But now the trend is back, however the patterns have been altered in some ways but the basic concept remains the same.

Modern Prints

In earlier times, the dots were of equal size and were spaced closely, whereas when we look at the modern prints they are much different from the earlier ones. These circles are now of different sizes which are randomly placed on the cloth. This design is often found on cloths, or toys of children.

Polka Dot items

Earlier the polka dots were used on the clothes of dancers, but with time this pattern gained popularity and was found on many things. It would be interesting to know that the first crack pipe vending machies were polka dotted. Talking about clothes, then there existed polka dot skirts, dresses, shirts and even scarves. However my personal favourite are the polka scarves.

Polka Dot Scarves: Benefits

  • Polka dots scarves are back in fashion, and if you will carry this scarf it will make you look fashionable too.
  • This can be carried on both formal and informal occasions.
  • There are no much issues about the matching of these scarves, as they are mostly available in two colors i.e. the color of the cloth and the circle are different which makes it easier to match for you with your dress.
  • These scarves are available in every length be it short or long and also in any season be it summers or winters.

Shop for polka scarves today

Everyone who is looking for some scarves, it is best if you carry out this hunting online itself. With this mode, you would be able to go through a large variety which may not be possible otherwise. So instead of driving to some shops, having a look on the online stores is a better option. Just type in the word scarf and I am sure a large variety would be available for you. You may choose to purchase it from the lot of fresh or sale. The best part of online purchase is the item is segregated on the basis of colors, categories, shapes etc. like in this case you can choose the polka dot category for yourself however the length of the scarf is your own personal choice.


Scarves can completely change the look of your outfit and can make the old clothes look new. And when you out for choosing the polka dot scarves I am sure there may be a large variety available for you. However don’t forget to choose a different scarf every time you shop for the same, different colors may add on to the variety in your shelves. So go ahead and pick up the best design for yourself but make sure it is apt for the season to carry like for summers the material should be thin, whereas for winters you can go for the woolen stuff to protect yourself from the child weather.

Read our post on top 5 scarf tying tips to get that perfect red carpet look. If you would want us to write on some particular topic, let us know. We will be happy to share our knowledge and tips with you.

5 Tips To Wear A Scarf To Get A V-Neckline

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A scarf is a best friend of all the women who likes to be fashionable and chic always. Wearing a scarf is an art and who-so-ever knows it can juggle with their looks stunningly. A scarf can be worn in numerous ways matching your attire, occasion and mood. In this post, we would like to tell you how to wear a scarf to get a V-neckline.

Women love to have a V-neckline as it looks beautiful and elegant and also makes it easier for them to show off their beautiful necklaces. Thus, to know the trait of wearing a scarf for a v-neckline, read the post:

Style #1 To Get A V-Neckline With Scarf:

Having a v-neckline helps the shorter women to look taller as it helps to create an illusion of a longer line and a longer neck. In order to wear your scarf in this way, begin by folding the rectangular shaped scarf and tuck it in the v-neckline. To get this look, a square scarf can also work but make sure to make it bulkier by folding it many time. In case you are using a square scarf, ensure to opt for a lightweight one like silk or chiffon. If you choose to wear a scarf according to the style #1 which is very close to your skin, then stay away from all the bulky fabric as it will make you uncomfortable and unattractive.

Look at the image below to know what kind of scarf you should look for:

Style #2 To Get A V-Neckline With Scarf:

The style 2 suggest to wear a scarf as a necklace. In order to get this look, take a rectangle shaped oblong scarf and fold it lengthwise to get the desired width. Place the scarf around your neck and get both the ends in the front. Get a pendant or even a brooch and tie both the sides of the scarf in the centre with it. This makes your scarf look like a nice necklace. Tuck in the remaining ends of the scarf under your coat.

A vibrant colored scarf when tied like a necklace makes your outfit look vivacious and perfect. Select a scarf just like the image below:

This style does not essentially have to be teamed with a V-neckline shirt. It is a necklace style and it will create its own V-shape by properly placing the scarf.


Style #3 To Get A V-Neckline With Scarf:

Wearing a scarf like a man’s tie makes you look slimmer and nice as the V-shape formed when knotted in the centre below the neck makes your neck look bigger and slimmer. Instead of knotting up the scarf on the neck, pull down the knot below to give it a V-shape. If you are wearing a garment that has V-neckline, then position your scarf knot neatly at the V of your attire.


To get a perfect slimmer and taller look with a V-neckline, use a scarf that is lighter and thin. See the image below to know what kind of scarf you should look for:


Style #4 To Get A V-Neckline With Scarf:

In this style, you can make a V-neckline with your scarf while you wear a coat or a jacket. Wear a scarf over your neck and hold both the ends in the front. Get both the ends in the middle and pin it in the centre with a small pin so that it is not visible. Tuck the scarf inside your coat so that only the V-neckline is visible. During the winter days, opt to wear a scarf made from wool or even a cashmere for warmth.

Look at the image below to know what kind of scarf you should choose to get this style:


A scarf can change your looks drastically. It can make you look taller, slimmer and also make you look bulkier and short. The way you tie your scarf and the material of scarf you use defines your look. Thus, it is very important to choose your scarf correctly and intelligently. Ensure to select the perfect design, color and fabric to get the best and look best for any event and occasion.

A scarf is the most essential accessory for men and women both. Thus, make use of it to enhance your overall look rather than degrading it.

Keep reading our posts as we guide you through some of the most interesting and useful tips regarding scarves.   

Fashion scarves

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Scarf makes an affordable and easy way to dress up your wardrobe.
An elegant scarf makes you look more feminine. Even a basic scarf keeps you warm in the winter and look stylish at the same time.

It is good for many combinations. You can tie your scarf to your bag, you can use it as a belt,
you can tie your hair up with it when you are sitting by the sea and wrap it around your neck when the sun starts to set.

Find beautiful Naia Printed Birds Scarf by

Beautifully elegant with silhouettes of birds in flight, a great addition to any wardrobe. Dimension: L 72 x W 43

Most unique mother’s day gift

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Most unique mother's day gift

Most unique mother’s day gift- A scarf @
you can find a perfect scarf @ scarfuniverse by browsing these categories
Season, Material, Length, Trend, Shape, Colour, Gender, Sale.

Mother’s day celebration

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Mother’s Day in the United States is annually held on the second Sunday of May.
It celebrates motherhood and it is a time to appreciate mothers and mother figures.
Many people give gifts, cards, flowers, candy, a meal treat their mother and
mother figures.

Common gift ideas-
*Many people send cards or gifts to their mother.
*Make a special effort to visit her.
*Present handmade cards or any handy craft article.
*Common Mother’s Day gifts are flowers, chocolates, candy, jewelry and other treats.
*Make a special meal at home or make special dishes of her choice.
*Gives a meal treat at her favourite restaurent.

Here is a special gift idea for this mother’s day-

Gift her a elegant scarf with vibrant colors, prints and material of her choice and make her feel like she is wrapped in your warm love….

choose a perfect scarf @



Stunning mother’s day gift

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Stunning mother's day gift

Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.
Mother- whole world pervaded in this word. A mother not just give birth to a child but
she reared and cultured her child, she cares, loves most her child and it is selfless….
No one can take mother’s place in one’s life.

Love your mum, care for her, she is the only one who takes you into this beautiful world.
There is nothing in life without mom….

Get a stunning present/gift for her on this mother’s day and make her feel special, happy
and be loved……

There are so many choices for mother’s day gifts @
visit our website and get a perfect gift for your mother at very competitive prizes..

Happy Mother’s Day from scarfuniverse team.

New arrivals @ scarfuniverse

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Embellish her neck with beautiful scarves by scarfuniverse.
Seasonless scarves are beautiful neck wrap that you can wear throughout the year in any season.
Colours, texture, and material of these scarves are suitable for any season…

Get new scarves on 50 % off @


Ideas for mother’s day gifts

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Ideas for mother's day gifts

A scarf will be an elegant gift for mother’s day, a scarf is a perfect gift for every woman,
it goes with formals, casuals or any other type of clothing, also it suits on women of any age and in any season.There are too many choices in choosing a scarf.
A large collection of scarves with vibrant colors, prints and material is available @ 50 % off @